Cirrus is a Vulkan-based Volumetric Rendering demo I am currently developing with the aim of rendering the “Disney Clouds” dataset using the most recent algorithms. Throughout the development of this project, I implemented the following concepts:
- Voxel Raymarching
Elektron Engine V2
Elektron Engine V2 is a DirectX11-based 3D Graphics engine I made to learn and implement advanced rendering techniques. Throughout the development of this project, I implemented the following concepts:
- glTF mesh and material loading.
- GGX shading from multiple dynamic point lights.
- Shadow mapping from single dynamix point light.
- Image-based Lighting using HDRi environment maps.

Damaged Helmet glTF in Elektron Engine V2
CarPoolIn is an iOS application developed in Swift as the end-semester project for one of my classes. It is a carpool/ride sharing platform that aims to reduce the friction between parties interested in sharing their journey with others.